Monday, May 21, 2007

Eager Expectation

I can't begin to say how excited I am to see so many people looking forward to the Summer of Love! Thanks Garry for turning me on to that. I looked it up and got lots of cool info about it and we have adopted it as our missional thrust for the summer.

Question: Preaching service once, or twice a month on Sunday? I'm hearing several say that they'd like to limit the traditional "instruction/exhortation" part of Sunday to only once a month and go and be the church the other three Sundays. I'd like to know what you guys think about that.

Also, Court brought up a good idea, worship/coffee/announcements early on every Sunday and then leave together to go into the MISSION field. I like it, maybe not everytime, but it would help with communication and direction related to that weekend's adventure.

Let me know what you guys are thinking........


JENNYLOU said...

I just wish you would answer your phone. small steps payneboy small steps

Susie said...

Jenny you are SO funny!!!!
You and me......the two of us together...we JUST MIGHT get this guy in line!!!! :-]

JENNYLOU said...

i don't think we need to be scheduling things to fill up a summer just because we have started a "summer of love". i really think we have to take all topics and pray and see which ones are doable on a sunday. and which ones are better for other days of the week. yes we have childrens church but the things we are thinking about doing will last all day. and the ones signing on for 4 months didnt agree to watch kids all day. plus we have the nursery to consider. if the Lord says go out every sunday then we will. if he says something different?

payneboy said...

Good thoughts, I'm really hoping that not EVERY event lasts all day. I think that might prohibit some of our older members from participating in the heat. I'm hoping for 2-3 hr. time spans so that Children's church is still relatively doable and yet we can still accomplish a ton of stuff in the community.

Zorlofe said...

Good point Jenny!